Main Entry: 1 ev·er·last·ing Pronunciation: \ ˌ e-vər- ˈ las-tiŋ\ Function: adjective Date: 13th century 1 : lasting or enduring through all time : eternal 2 a (1) : continuing for a long time or indefinitely (2) : having or being flowers or foliage that retain form or color for a long time when dried b : tediously persistent Main Entry: hap·pi·ness Pronunciation: \ ˈ ha-pē-nəs\ Function: noun Date: 15th century 1 obsolete : good fortune : prosperity 2 a : a state of well-being and contentment : joy b : a pleasurable or satisfying experience I started this entry out with the definitions of the two main words or focus of the title, Everlasting and Happiness. That way we can all start from the same point because I know each of us has our own definition of what these words me...